ePSIplatform Advisory board leader at ePSI - International.
Web: http://www.epsiplatform.eu/sites/default/files/newsletter/2013-April/Newsletter_Epsi_2013_April.html
Unity chief of Cultural Action of the Municipality of Montemor-o-Velho - Portugal.
Web: http://www.culturacentro.pt/evento.asp?id=715
Assistant professor at Computer Science Department of the University of Bari "Aldo Moro" - Italy.
Web: http://ivu.di.uniba.it/index.htm
Project Coordinator at Interarts - Spain.
Web: www.interarts.net
Resources Manager at iWith - Spain.
Web: www.iwith.org
Responsible for "Patrimonio e Intercultura", Fondazione ISMU, Iniziative e Studi sulla Multietnicità - Italy.
Web: www.fondazione.ismu.org/patrimonioeintercultura
Head of Research and Consulting at Fondazione Fitzcarraldo – Italy.
Web: www.fitzcarraldo.it
Full Professor of Cognitive Psychology and Director of the Museum of Art and Popular Traditions of the UAM; Department of Psicología Básica, Autonomous University of Madrid - Spain.
Co-director of M77 an NGO for Arts, Digital Creation and Training - Czech republic.
Web: http://www.m77.cz/
Chief Executive Officer at Centrica - Italy.
Professor of Archaeology. Department of Antiquity and Middle Ages Sciences, Autonomous University of Barcelona - Spain.
Professor of Museology and History of Art, Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata - Italy.
Web: http://www.abamc.it/default.aspx
Professor of Economics and Cultural Management, Department of Business Governance Philosophy (University La Sapienza) - Italy.
Web: http://guida.lettere.uniroma2.it/?page_id=2085
Director of the Municipal Art Gallery of Faenza - Italy.
Web: http://pinacotecafaenza.racine.ra.it/index.html
Head of European Project Unit at BIC Lazio SpA/Enterprise Europe Network - Italy.
Web: www.biclazio.it
Head Research at Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU). Kunst, Media & Technologie - Holland.
Web: http://www.hku.nl/web/English/English/UtrechtSchoolOfTheArts.htm
Director of Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation - Belgium.
Web: www.enamecenter.org
Researcher member, Hermeneia research group, University of Barcelona - Spain.
Web: http://www.hermeneia.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=38&Itemid=544
Director of the Historical museum of the National museum - Czech Republic.
Web: www.nm.cz
Responsible for BNSA Unit and digital developments - Cultural and Creative Industries Service - Directorate of Culture and Heritage - Regional Council of Aquitaine-BNSA - France
Web: http://bnsa.patrimoines.aquitaine.fr/
Project Manager at TECNALIA Research & Innovation (Sustainable Development Division) - Spain.
Web: http://www.tecnalia.com/en/
Researcher member, Department of Art and Culture Studies, University of Jyväskylä - Finland.
Web: http://jyu.academia.edu/Departments/Department_of_Art_and_Culture_Studies
Exhibitons and collections manager, deputy director at Gallery Klatovy/Klenova - Czech Republic.
Web: http://www.gkk.cz/
Vice President at Simbdea (Società Italiana per la Museografia e i Beni Demoetnoantropologici) - Italy.
Web: www.simbdea.it
Lecturer at the Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood, Democritus University of Thrace - Greece.
Web: http://www.psed.duth.gr/faculty/dep/Filippoupoliti.en.shtml
General manager at Promoter s.r.l., advisor of Italian Ministry of Culture, Technical Coordinator of EU projects Linked Heritage, EuropeanaPhotography, Eagle, DCH-RP. Project manager of digitalmeetsculture.net, the on line magazine where digital technology and culture collide - Italy.
Web: www.promoter.it, www.digitalmeetsculture.net
Chairman, Scientific Council, International Documentation and Research Centre on Industrial Heritage for Tourism - Poland.
Web: ihtourism.pl/
Director at ARTImetria - Spain.
Web: www.artimetria.com
Project coordinator at Cineca 3D visual information technology Lab - Italy.
Web: http://www.cineca.it/en/content/scientific-visualization-and-interactive-virtual-environments.
Assistant Professor in Archaeology (tenure track) at Mardin University - Finland.
Web: http://www.oulu.fi/arkeologia/henkilokunta/minna-l %C3%B6nnqvist
Member of the Museums Department at Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation - Greece.
Web: www.piop.gr
Coordinator at the University of Turku. EuroMACH network - Finland.
Web: http://users.utu.fi/kierka/
Professor for Historical Information Science and Documentation. Institute for History of the Faculty for Arts and Humanities. Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz - Austria.
Web: http://brwiss.uni-graz.at
Head of Education and Multimedia, Museo Carmen Thyssen, Málaga - Spain.
Web: www.carmenthyssenmalaga.org
Visiting Scholar and external colaborator in Digital Culture Programme, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, IN3/UOC - Spain.
Profesor and researcher in Hybrid and Interdisciplinary Art at the Universidad del País Vasco, Departament of Art and Technology, Facultad de Bellas Artes - Spain.
Coordenator of the Mondego's Castles as Medieval Walls Route - Portugal.
Web: http://www.facebook.com/castelosemuralhasdomondego
Director of the European Museum Academy - International.
Web: www.europeanmuseumacademy.eu
Project Manager at NEMO - The Network of European Museum Organisations - Germany.
Web: www.ne-mo.org
Media Artist & researcher on Art-Science and cognitive processes - Spain.
Web: www.evolvable.net
Manager at Kreativ Reisen Österreich - Austria.
Web: http://www.creativetourismnetwork.org/cms/
Director of the Special Collections Services at the National Library of Portugal - Portugal.
Web: http://www.bnportugal.pt/
Community Coordinator Cultural Heritage at Europeana - Netherlands.
Web: http://www.pro.europeana.eu/web/guest/home
Director at El generador - Spain.
Web: www.elgenerador.cat
Director of Agencia INOVA - Portugal.
Web: www.agenciainova.pt
Head of the Documentation Unit of the Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC) - Spain.
Web: www.icac.net
Project Officer. The Acropolis Museum - Greece.
Web: http://www.theacropolismuseum.gr/
Researcher and writer at the Department of Linguistic, Literary, and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen - Norway.
Web: http://www.uib.no/rg/electronicliterature
Researcher and Editor at CRICD, Centro Regionale per il Catalogo dei Beni Culturali della Regione Siciliana - Italy.
Web: http://www.cricd.it/anagrafica.php?id_anagrafica=208,
Manager at Blinzy Studios - Spain.
Web: http://www.blinzy.com/projects/serious-social-games/
Project Manager at HeritageMatters.at - Austria.
Web: angel4heritage.wordpress.com/
International Programme Co-ordinator at Felix Meritis - Netherlands.
Web: www.felix.meritis.nl
General Manager at Virtual Dimension Center VDC - Germany.
Web: www.vdc-fellbach.de
Visual Artist specialized in the relationship among current technologies, heritage, education and tourism - France.
Web: http://www.isabelsaij.net/
Lecturer of Design, new media aesthetics, video and animation at the Media Studies Department at Open University of Catalonia (UOC) - Spain.
Web: http://www.uoc.edu/webs/gsan_cornelio/ES/curriculum/index.html
Project Manager at Institute of Artistic Cultural and Natural Heritage (Emilia Romagna Region) - Italy.
Web: www.ibc.regione.emilia-romagna.it
Head of Policy & Research at INTELI, Intelligence in Innovation - PORTUGAL.
Web: www.inteli.pt
Professor in Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Salento - Italy.
Web: http://www.unisalento.it/web/guest/scheda_personale/-/people/grazia.semeraro
Professor at Centre of e-Research, King's College London - England.
Web: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/english/people/stuprof/pgrs/shannon/index.aspx
Production manager at ART Prometheus agency - Czech Republic.
Web: www.artprometheus.cz
Professor at Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung, University of Köln - Germany.
Web: http://www.hki.uni-koeln.de/
Events and Communication projects Manager at Centro Servizi Archeometria srl - Italy.
Regional Museum Coordinator for the Balkan Museums Network - Sweden.
Web: www.bmuseums.net
The Peer Learning Network aims to involve stakeholder organisations from the domains of Cultural Heritage, Arts and Culture, Creative and Cultural Industries, Science and Technology to discuss and evaluate knowledge and benefits yielded by experiences of cooperation.
The members of the Peer Learning Network will be regularly updated about forthcoming workshops, topics discussed on the CHIEF or special gatherings through our newsletter. In addition, CreativeCH will provide to the participants a virtual forum (CHIEF) to post and exchange information and comments.
If you are a practitioner or an organization active in these domains and you are interested in joining the network please write to federicamancini3(at)gmail.com.
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