Showcases overview

Link to Showcase 'Tuscany'
On the footsteps of the Etruscans: Archaeological itineraries in the Tuscany countryside.
Link to Showcase 'Salzburg'
World Heritage City of Salzburg: new experiences for residents and visitors.
Link to Showcase 'Catalonia'
From deindustrialization to cultural and creative industry: Routes of industrial heritage in Catalonia.
Link to Showcase 'Banat'
Citizen cultural cooperation and participation in a multi-ethnical environment: the Banat case-study.

The Concept

CreativeCH promotes local showcases to show how the cooperation of science & technology, cultural heritage and cultural & creative industries can produce benefits and value for cities and regions. 

The showcases provide first hand experiences, involving local population and promoting cultural heritage among the young generation.



Guidelines for involving and training young people in the showcases by University of Coimbra

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